Supporting measures to prevent corruption in Roșiori de Vede
The overall objective of the project is to increase the administrative capacity to prevent and reduce corruption in all local public institutions in city Roșiori de Vede by uniform application of mechanisms, procedures and rules of ethics and integrity and improving knowledge and skills in preventing corruption.

Roșiori de Vede City Hall
Roșiori de Vede City Hall is a public institution organized as a functional structure with permanent activity, consisting of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Secretary of the Municipality and the Mayor’s Specialty Apparatus, which carries out the decisions of the Local Council of Roșiori de Vede and the Mayor’s orders, solving the current problems of the local community. The activity of Roșiori de Vede City Hall is regulated by Law no. 215/2001 – Law on local public administration, which legislates the general regime of local autonomy, as well as the organization and functioning of local public administration.